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zzz00 agents legends
agent0002's avatar


zzz00 agents legends

by agent0002

Category: Miscellaneous

ATTENTION: THIS MOD IS NOW \"OPEN\". anyone that wishes to may modify and re-release any part of this mod. just be sure to mention me as the original creator (or else you\'re just a bad person). Quick overview: LINK IS NO LONGER BROKEN!!!!! this mod adds alot of things. new equipment is the main focus. all content listed here

Endorsements 42

Downloads 3.2k

File size 29.3MB

zzz00 agents weapons
agent0002's avatar


zzz00 agents weapons

by agent0002

Category: Weapons

ATTENTION: THIS MOD IS NOW \"OPEN\". anyone that wishes to may modify and re-release any part of this mod. just be sure to mention me as the original creator (or else you\'re just a bad person). NEW VERSION. VERSION 2 AVAILABLE NOW adds 3 weapons to the game.(note that these are aimed towards higher levels. these ARE stronger then de

Endorsements 77

Downloads 5.3k

File size 986.0KB

steel argonian
agent0002's avatar


steel argonian

by agent0002

Category: Races, Classes and Birthsigns

current version: 4 Steel argonians-Argonians made out of stainless steel! steel argonians are extremely strong, but have low magic capabilities. and they are the coolest race in existence ;) note: steel argonians ARE balanced. their starting stats and skills add up to the same that other standard races do. ATTENTION: THIS MOD IS NOW \

Endorsements 47

Downloads 1.7k

File size 671.0KB

hack pack
agent0002's avatar


hack pack

by agent0002

Category: Cheats and God Items

Cheats!!! tired of playing the \"fair\" way? use this mod and have some fun... so far all ive got is some gear that has been modded so far, its no longer modded. its hacked. mod adds 2 chests, one with tons of cash + godly gear, and another that has every alchemy ingredient in the game. also in the readme is a list of the commands that wi

Endorsements 61

Downloads 1.7k

File size 4.0KB

4 of 4