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Components Containers

Components for homemade weapons are easily sorted by scripts on various crates and boxes on a new set of shelves in a corner of your Megaton shack.

Endorsements 13

Downloads 307

File size 6.0KB

Wasteland Explorer

Above all other quests the Wasteland Explorer quest stands supreme!

Endorsements 166

Downloads 2.1k

File size 1.0KB

Wadsworth Tweaks

A few tweaks to make your robotic butler Wadsworth slightly less annoying.

Endorsements 164

Downloads 3.2k

File size 3.0KB

Encumbered is sufficient

There\'s no such word as \"overencumbered\"

Endorsements 7

Downloads 118

File size 1.0KB

Metal Blaster Retex

Two new retextures for the Metal Blaster, a unique laser shotgun from The Pitt DLC.

Endorsements 97

Downloads 1.3k

File size 1.3MB

Kitchen Sink

Water comes out of the new kitchen sink in your Megaton Shack

Endorsements 15

Downloads 226

File size 1.0KB

Megaton Outdoor Shower

An outdoor shower on the side of your Megaton shack.

Endorsements 157

Downloads 2.2k

File size 3.0KB

Portable Alien Force Field Generators

Take home the Alien Force Field Generators on Mothership Zeta.

Endorsements 50

Downloads 1.3k

File size 2.0KB

Super Scientist Outfit

Adds an enhanced Super Scientist Lab Coat and complementary retextured white Super Scientist Face Shield to the game.

Endorsements 15

Downloads 394

File size 113.0KB

Disable PipBoy Glove

This mod simply removes the PipBoy glove from the player\'s hand on load.

Endorsements 504

Downloads 13.8k

File size 1.0KB

Drop One Item From Inventory At A Time

Allows you to drop one item at a time from your inventory without running into the select how many items you want to drop dialogue.

Endorsements 57

Downloads 900

File size 0B

Radioactive Power Armor for Charon

A glowing radioactive suit of power armor that heals ghouls and irradiates humans.

Endorsements 13

Downloads 352

File size 536.0KB

Radscorpions Immunity to Dart Gun Poison

Radscorpions are no longer affected by the crippling poisonous effects of Dart Guns created using their own venom glands.

Endorsements 11

Downloads 174

File size 2.0KB

Paulsons Peacemaker

Paulson\'s Revolver, used by the cowboy found on Mothership Zeta, is transformed into a shiny new Colt Peacemaker.

Endorsements 50

Downloads 901

File size 254.0KB

Harbinger Of The Void Quest

From beyond space and time a minion of evil threatens the Wasteland.

Endorsements 66

Downloads 2.1k

File size 27.6MB

Improved MZ Spacesuit

Improves the Mothership Zeta Spacesuit.

Endorsements 92

Downloads 2.1k

File size 2.0KB

Point Lookout Fixes

Various glitches in Point Lookout are addressed.

Endorsements 66

Downloads 1k

File size 6.0KB

My Punga Fruit Garden

Your own hydroponic garden of Punga Fruit in your Megaton shack. Every three days the Punga Fruit plants produce three healthy Refined Punga Fruits which reduce radiation while increasing one's health. The Punga Fruit garden also reminds you of your time spent in the swamplands of Point Lookout.

Endorsements 144

Downloads 2.6k

File size 2.0KB

Holy Water Pamphlets Disabler

Removes the Holy Water Pamphlets upon completion of the Holy Water Quest in DLC Broken Steel.

Endorsements 123

Downloads 1.1k

File size 3.0KB

Alien Shrink Ray

This version of the Alien Blaster shrinks your enemies down to manageable size.

Endorsements 39

Downloads 1.4k

File size 2.0KB