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Experts in Construction, Chemistry, Fitness, etc. will stay home. No more losing them running off to try missions on their own.
Endorsements 343
Downloads 7.8k
File size 114.0KB
Australia decided Codeine and Meth couldn't be included in the game and instead they were changed to Homeopathy and Supplements...
Now you can play as originally intended.
Endorsements 59
Downloads 892
File size 414.0KB
Items that are fully searched but not empty continue to glow.
No Glow Edition also available.
Endorsements 759
Downloads 15k
File size 31.0KB
This stops followers being sent home when you accept some missions.
Endorsements 559
Downloads 15.2k
File size 425.0KB
Allies will now;* Shoot zombies when they are in range* Take less time between shots* Automatically reload once they are idle and no zombies are around - Never get caught against a horde when your ally has only 1 round in the chamber!* Move around nearby if they are outside and get bored (5-10 secs)And more!
Endorsements 1.5k
Downloads 41.6k
File size 690.0KB