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## RagnarsRökare MobAILib ##MobAILib is a library that can used to replace the built in AI of Characters inside Valheim.The goal is to provide a range of AI types and behaviours that can be used by modders to create a more living world.

Endorsements 219

Downloads 8.7k

File size 125.0KB


These issues has been bothering us long enough.This is a bugfix mod that will allow you to craft items directly into a stack in your inventory if there is room, no empty slot required.Craft will also pull resources from the smallest stacks first, freeing up inventory space.

Endorsements 55

Downloads 1.1k

File size 6.0KB


This mod gives you the ability to do a dodge roll by double tapping in either direction.The dodge still consumes stamina in the same way as before.The timing intervals is configurable.

Endorsements 345

Downloads 8.6k

File size 5.0KB


This mod aims to make it easy to select which items that should be picked up automatically by your character.It replaces the Trophy tab with a clickable list of all materials and trophies that lets you turn autopickup on or off.Included items categories is configurable.

Endorsements 261

Downloads 6k

File size 7.0KB


This mod adds a '+password'' command line argument for writing the server password.For example: "C:\Valheim\valheim.exe" +connect <yourServer:port> +password <serverPassword>The password is then sent automatically to the server.The mod requires BepInEx to work.

Endorsements 19

Downloads 743

File size 4.0KB