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Quest Tier Reset Workaround

I had my quest tier reset by some of the latest game updates and didn't feel like re-doing quests. You'll probably not want this if this is too cheaty for some. I figured since I'm already this far, what's wrong with some random loot for the trouble?

Endorsements 4

Downloads 67

File size 1.0KB

Default Zombies on Compass

Enables and tracks zombies 20 blocks away from the player without the need for perks.

Endorsements 58

Downloads 1.6k

File size 2.0KB

No Trader Hours

Traders simply don't kick you out, even for a split second. ❌(0:00-0:01)❌

Endorsements 127

Downloads 5.3k

File size 1.0KB

No Trader Announcements

You will no longer hear that excruciatingly loud alarm the trader uses to let you know they're closing soon, closed, and open for trading.

Endorsements 13

Downloads 263

File size 1.0KB

Fortnite Inspired Quality Colors

Are you a fan of 7 Days to Die and Fortnite? This mod bridges the gap between two beloved games by bringing the vibrant and recognizable quality colors from Fortnite to your 7 Days to Die experience!

Endorsements 24

Downloads 524

File size 2.0KB