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Ranger Skill Tweaks EXXXtreme
dwharper34's avatar


Ranger Skill Tweaks EXXXtreme

by dwharper34

Category: Gameplay

Ranger Skill Tweaks EXXXtreme allows your Rangers to continually use Reaper mode without losing the ability to cause enough damage to kill the Enemy, which ends Reaper mode and your Ranger’s turn! With this mod each enemy that your Ranger kills using Reaper actually increases your Ranger’s damage by three for that turn!

Endorsements 48

Downloads 852

File size 381.0KB

Ranger Skill Tweaks Extreme
dwharper34's avatar


Ranger Skill Tweaks Extreme

by dwharper34

Category: Gameplay

Ranger Skill Tweaks Extreme allows your Rangers to continually use Reaper mode without losing the ability to cause enough damage to kill the Enemy, which ends Reaper mode and your Ranger's turn! With this mod each enemy that you kill using Reaper actually increases your damage by 1 for this turn!

Endorsements 14

Downloads 316

File size 447.0KB

Ranger Skill Tweaks
dwharper34's avatar


Ranger Skill Tweaks

by dwharper34

Category: Gameplay

Ranger Skill Tweaks allows your Rangers to continually use Reaper mode without losing enough damage to kill the Enemy, which ends Reaper mode and your turn! Ranger Skill Tweaks, unlike 'Ranger Skill Tweaks Extreme', does not add any damage on the continuous use of Reaper. But it also does not remove damage like the basic Reaper command.

Endorsements 24

Downloads 588

File size 250.0KB

Ace's Weapons and Armor
dwharper34's avatar

Neverwinter Nights

Ace's Weapons and Armor

by dwharper34

Category: Armour and Clothing

These are version 1.2 files I created from the NWN Aurora Toolset in November of 2018. They are overpowered and usable by most character builds at any level. You will be able to dual wield and use any melee weapons immediately. Just remember to install the Armor first. All items are identified and can be placed in bags, given to companions or sold.

Endorsements 39

Downloads 691

File size 11.0KB

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