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X-wing Fighter
electionis's avatar


X-wing Fighter

by electionis

Category: Creatures

This mod adds an X-wing starfighter from Star Wars Series. Fly anywhere in Skyrim at a blazing speed!

Endorsements 1.2k

Downloads 21.2k

File size 9.3MB

Magic Carpet in Skyrim
electionis's avatar


Magic Carpet in Skyrim

by electionis

Category: Creatures

This mod adds a magic carpet in Skyrim. When mounted, it can transport you from A to B with lightning speed. (15 times faster than a horse) Sorry, you cannot fly upward yet. But while on it, you will definitely feel like flying and sometimes you do \"fly\". Think of it as a transportation vehicle, more efficient than walking or horse riding.

Endorsements 58

Downloads 2.7k

File size 1.0MB

SkyHeels v 2_5
electionis's avatar


SkyHeels v 2_5

by electionis

Category: Clothing

Time to get stylish in Skyrim! Adds a pair of high heels.

Endorsements 4.8k

Downloads 145k

File size 1019.0KB

Laser Gun v1
electionis's avatar


Laser Gun v1

by electionis

Category: Weapons

This mod adds a laser gun. Oblivion is a sci-fi shooting game now. ;-)

Endorsements 266

Downloads 6.9k

File size 6.0MB

X-Wing Fighter Mod
electionis's avatar


X-Wing Fighter Mod

by electionis

Category: Animals, Creatures, Mounts & Horses

This mod adds an X-wing starfighter from Star Wars Series. You can use it to go anywhere in Tamriel at a blazing speed!!

Endorsements 211

Downloads 6.1k

File size 3.9MB

The Sword of Lightning with Sound
electionis's avatar


The Sword of Lightning with Sound

by electionis

Category: Weapons

This mod adds an animated lightning sword that can be turned on and turned off as you draw and sheathe. It also has various crisp SOUND EFFECTS depending on different actions such as: 1. drawing 2. sheathing 3. swinging 4. hitting and finally 5. carrying-a constant ¡°buzz¡±or \"hum\" sound while the weapon is drawn. Above all, thanks to the s

Endorsements 56

Downloads 2.4k

File size 3.5MB

Jedi Lightsabers with Sound
electionis's avatar


Jedi Lightsabers with Sound

by electionis

Category: Weapons

This mod adds 8 Jedi lightsabers to your game. They come with fully functional sound effects WITHOUT affecting other normal weapon sounds. It also provides better textures and meshes for more immersive experience. Enjoy!

Endorsements 1.6k

Downloads 54.5k

File size 1.9MB

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