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Centurion 1000 Drivetrain and Speed Tweaks - TweakXL

changes the drivetrain and engine, thus giving you a much faster version of the tank known as Centurion 1000

Endorsements 74

Downloads 3.4k

File size 1.0KB

Custom Level Cap - Cyberware Vendor Fix

Fixes ripperdoc cyberware inventory, which disappears when you progress beyond level 60, making it impossible to purchase any cyberware after level 60

Endorsements 465

Downloads 19.6k

File size 0B

Robust Titanium Bones - A Cyberware Stat Tweak

increases the player carry weight amount by 10x the vanilla amount.

Endorsements 35

Downloads 1.6k

File size 1.0KB

Reverend Nathaniel Poker Fix (Relic)

Reverts the quality of Reverend Nathaniel's fire poker back to Relic as it was in pre-4.0.0 versions of the game

Endorsements 19

Downloads 262

File size 15.0KB

Restored Icons - Next Gen

Restores some cut/missing/incorrect icons for various items in your inventory.

Endorsements 322

Downloads 8.1k

File size 59.0KB

Fresh Kicks - Clean Shoes for V

is it too much to ask that V has new-looking shoes and clothes? all the vanilla Converse high-top shoes were given a soapy bath ... now they're so fresh and so clean!

Endorsements 106

Downloads 3k

File size 43.0KB

Gorilla Arms Cleaned - Hands Colored (M and F)

Removes all the decals/stickers/barcodes from the gorilla arms. Simple as thatI also made a few versions that change the color of the vanilla designs/lettering on the hands of the gorilla arms. Choose from pinkish-red, red, blue, or vanilla color (vanilla means the color was not changed)

Endorsements 452

Downloads 51.9k

File size 1.0MB

Loot Quality Re-Balance (More Legendary)

Simple mod that changes the distribution of loot quality. More Legendary loot drops, all loot Legendary, no Legendary loot, no Common loot.. take your pick. The original purpose was to give a small to moderate boost to the probability of finding legendary loot drops in the game world. But there are many other options available for download. Enjoy

Endorsements 1.5k

Downloads 150.9k

File size 1.0KB

MORE Rare Monster Ingredients (also Rare Items and Gwent Card Dealers)

=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--==--=--=--=--=--=--==--=--=--=--=--=--==--=--=--=--=--=--==--=--=--=--=--=--==--=--=--=--=--=--==--=--=Adds hard-to-find monster ingredients to the stock of all alchemy merchants (for potions/decoctions/bombs/oils) and/or blacksmiths (for crafting) in the game

Endorsements 133

Downloads 2.3k

File size 35.0KB

Ash Rocks SE

LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR: You CAN use this mod with BDA if you want, just load it AFTER "Better Dynamic Ash.esp"This mod replaces the gray paint-like mess splattered on top of many rocks and mountains of Solstheim. This paint-like stuff is supposed to emulate ash accumulated on rocks and mountains from the Red Mountain eruptions and ash storms

Endorsements 129

Downloads 1.5k

File size 359.6MB

Realistic Water Two Forge Water for Elysium Estate - Patch

Adds proper RWT trough water to the Elysium Estate blacksmith forge

Endorsements 224

Downloads 4.4k

File size 25.0KB

Fast Travel Speed Fix

Analogous to the 'Fast travel timescale fix' from Skyrim, this mod adjusts a game setting variable in an effort to change the amount of time that passes during your fast travel.

Endorsements 8.7k

Downloads 607.5k

File size 1.0KB

Respectable Inventory -- Well-Stocked Alchemists

Alchemists now have a complete stock of ingredients and potions for sale. This was done while minimizing imbalance and maintaining vanilla rarity ratios

Endorsements 2.2k

Downloads 62.1k

File size 7.0KB

Ash Rocks -- Solstheim ash improvements for Dragonborn DLC

Themed off of SparrowPrince's original Moss Rocks mod, this mod replaces ugly shader ash with high-quality textures. In this mod, I address the ugly gray paint that covers a large portion of the rocks and mountains on the southern portion of the Solstheim island (northern parts is all snow).

Endorsements 3.4k

Downloads 85.3k

File size 9.5MB

Ruffled Feather Moss Rocks - Dragonborn DLC Addon

This is an addon package for SparrowPrince\'s original Moss Rocks mod, which replaces the ugly shader moss with higher quality texture moss. This mod applies these same changes to all of the rocks and mountains of Solstheim, from the Dragonborn DLC.

Endorsements 4.4k

Downloads 73.5k

File size 44.0KB

Trade and Barter - More Gold

This is a patch to the wonderful Trade and Barter mod by Kryptopyr. This is a very simple change that allows the merhcant gold sliders in the MCM menu to surpass the 5,000 gold limit. Most merchant sliders have been doubled, to a maximum of 10,000. Innkeepers and Street Vendors have been given a maximum of 7,500 and 4,500, respectively.

Endorsements 312

Downloads 3.9k

File size 18.0KB

Superior Extra Effect Perks -- SEEPs

Adds leveled "extra effect" perks, enabling the player to gradually add extra enchanting slots/effects as they work their way through the [i]Enchanting[/i] perk tree.Just choose how many TOTAL enchanting effects you want [i](vanilla skyrim is 2)[/i] to have after you achieve all of the perk levels!

Endorsements 233

Downloads 3.6k

File size 4.0KB

Visual Improvement for Absorb Effect Darkness

Prevents the Absorb Health, Absorb Stamina, and Absorb Magicka weapon enchantments from applying a darkening/blurring during absorption. The same thing was done for Dragonborn DLC weapons. Word Wall visual effects have been brightened so the screen doesn\'t turn black when you learn a new Word of Power (optional file).

Endorsements 348

Downloads 6k

File size 1.0KB