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changes the drivetrain and engine, thus giving you a much faster version of the tank known as Centurion 1000
Endorsements 74
Downloads 3.4k
File size 1.0KB
Fixes ripperdoc cyberware inventory, which disappears when you progress beyond level 60, making it impossible to purchase any cyberware after level 60
Endorsements 461
Downloads 19.5k
File size 0B
increases the player carry weight amount by 10x the vanilla amount.
Endorsements 35
Downloads 1.6k
File size 1.0KB
is it too much to ask that V has new-looking shoes and clothes? all the vanilla Converse high-top shoes were given a soapy bath ... now they're so fresh and so clean!
Endorsements 106
Downloads 3k
File size 43.0KB
Removes all the decals/stickers/barcodes from the gorilla arms. Simple as thatI also made a few versions that change the color of the vanilla designs/lettering on the hands of the gorilla arms. Choose from pinkish-red, red, blue, or vanilla color (vanilla means the color was not changed)
Endorsements 451
Downloads 51.9k
File size 1.0MB
Simple mod that changes the distribution of loot quality. More Legendary loot drops, all loot Legendary, no Legendary loot, no Common loot.. take your pick. The original purpose was to give a small to moderate boost to the probability of finding legendary loot drops in the game world. But there are many other options available for download. Enjoy
Endorsements 1.5k
Downloads 150.8k
File size 1.0KB