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AlexisEvo Loot Filter Updated - Alert Sounds - Beams - Big Names -
flppyflip3's avatar

Diablo II: Resurrected

AlexisEvo Loot Filter Updated - Alert Sounds - Beams - Big Names -

by flppyflip3

Category: Utilities

Originally created by AlexisEvo on Github, I have updated the mod to the most recent patch of D2R, as well as allowed for the visibility of gems below flawless. This mod is, in my opinion, the best lootfilter available for D2R, so when I saw that the mod was archived and no longer receiving updates I took it upon myself to "resurrect" the mod.

Endorsements 21

Downloads 1.2k

File size 494.0KB

flppyflip3's avatar



by flppyflip3

Category: Gameplay

This mod introduces Necromancy into the game. It allows the player to summon up to 8 powerful skeletons by sacrificing HP with a new "convoking wand" added into the game. You can heal, sacrifice, and command your skeletons. Skeletons will also teleport with you and follow you.

Endorsements 252

Downloads 9.5k

File size 1.0MB

Gratuitous Violence - Weapon Mod
flppyflip3's avatar


Gratuitous Violence - Weapon Mod

by flppyflip3

Category: Weapons

Haemophilia is a sword which inflicts powerful bleeding attacks that deal flat and percentage max health damage over time. The sword's base damage is significantly lower than other weapons like the Porcupine, but it makes up for its low damage with incredible boss killing potential. Enemies pop on death, dealing 30% of their health to enemies.

Endorsements 66

Downloads 2k

File size 7.0KB

Enhanced Harpoons
flppyflip3's avatar


Enhanced Harpoons

by flppyflip3

Category: Utilities

Improves harpoon functionality allowing the user to customize all aspects of the harpoon. Make enemies pull in closer, faster, slower, increase the distance you can travel before a harpoon breaks. Fixes that annoyance that occurs when trying to catch serpents and they keep breaking out.

Endorsements 67

Downloads 1.2k

File size 3.0KB

MJOLNIR - Thor's Hammer
flppyflip3's avatar


MJOLNIR - Thor's Hammer

by flppyflip3

Category: Weapons

Mjölnir is a hammer which deals a very low range to a very high range in lightning damage per hit, it also inflicts a shock degen which takes away 2% of the target's maximum health every tick. Targets are struck by lightning on hit and on death, "popping" on death with an explosion of blood and gore. It has the Frostner model and icon.

Endorsements 169

Downloads 8k

File size 10.0KB

Aegis - The Enchanted Goblin Ward
flppyflip3's avatar


Aegis - The Enchanted Goblin Ward

by flppyflip3

Category: Armour

Aegis is a powerful goblin shield which provides the user with a slowly regenerating forcefield on block, the same forcefield cast by goblin shamans. On block, it releases a shockwave which knocks back the attacker, flinging them in the direction of your choosing. This shield is intended to be used like a tower shield, and is perfect for tanking!

Endorsements 78

Downloads 2k

File size 6.0KB

Slope Combat FIX
flppyflip3's avatar


Slope Combat FIX

by flppyflip3

Category: Utilities

Are you sick of fighting wolves on slopes and not being able to hit them? This mod uncaps the Y angle of your attacks so you can now look straight down or up and hit things if they are in range. This should've been in the game right off the bat.

Endorsements 2.1k

Downloads 77.6k

File size 2.0KB

Fishing Overhaul
flppyflip3's avatar


Fishing Overhaul

by flppyflip3

Category: Gameplay

Allows you to catch fish in water with your hands if they get too close.Also increases the speed at which you reel in fish to make fish wraps a bit easier to farm so that they can be competitive with other late game foods.This is my first mod.

Endorsements 516

Downloads 13.4k

File size 3.0KB

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