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Walk with Mouse Scroll, Lean Left/Right, Inspect/Lower Weapon, Cycles Gadgets/Consumables, Toggle HUD/Quest, Toggle ADS... And more!
Endorsements 2.6k
Downloads 123.5k
File size 63.0KB
Hide Armor parts while keeping all stats intact using hotkeys. Settings are saved across game sessions.
Endorsements 786
Downloads 17k
File size 11.0KB
Customize Weapons, Vehicles & On Foot (empty hands) Cameras individually.- Weapons Camera: Up, Down, Forth, Back, Left, Right, FOV + / -, ADS Offset + / -, Toggle ADS Zoom- Vehicles Camera: Up, Down, Forth, Back, Left, Right, FOV + / -- On Foot Camera: Up, Down, Forth, Back, Left, Right, FOV + / -
Endorsements 1.2k
Downloads 71.4k
File size 9.0KB