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Replaces the flare effect from candles around Toussaint (Blood and Wine DLC) with a custom HD one.Also reduces the area covered by the flare effect making it less intrusive.
Endorsements 98
Downloads 2.9k
File size 3.3MB
Removes the flare effect from candles around Toussaint (Blood and Wine DLC).
Endorsements 99
Downloads 2.5k
File size 2.0KB
Adds a new standalone Workshop Power Radiator object with area of effect range customizable in-game.You can now control lights, and other passive powered objects, in a area with a flip of a switch.
Endorsements 309
Downloads 4k
File size 4.6MB
Expands the "Mass Fusion Wonder Power" mod by adding new devices.For example, a new Wireless Distribution Box's type that allows you to define what workshop objects can connect to it even if other Distribution Box's types are closer to the object. Also, Distribution Box's with predefined objects types allowed to connect to them.
Endorsements 174
Downloads 2.3k
File size 1.7MB
Quickly power any workshop Object. No more wire placing for hours or line of sight issues!This mod simulates a Wireless power grid infrastructure in your settlements.All powered objects from Vanilla game, DLC or community created are all supported.Doesn't edit any workshop objects so they will function as normal.
Endorsements 639
Downloads 39.9k
File size 20.8MB
Allows you to transfer stats from one item to another.
This will modify one item to be a identical copy of another, except for visual appearance and type.
Item type indicates, for example, if it is a Sword, Gloves, Heavy armor, Massive armor and so on.
Endorsements 456
Downloads 6.8k
File size 31.0KB