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Patches Spell list of Chronurgy & Graviturgy Magic Wizard Subclass mod to be compatible with 5e Spells mod.
Endorsements 617
Downloads 91.4k
File size 4.0KB
Tłumaczenie na język polski Secret Scrolls for 5e Spells.
Endorsements 8
Downloads 360
File size 8.0KB
Tłumaczenie na język polski świetnego moda do BG3 - 5e Spells.
Endorsements 39
Downloads 2.2k
File size 86.0KB
Translation to Polish of Sharess's Embrace.Legendary artifact from Sharess, the goddess of hedonism and sensual fulfillment. It is a piece of living armor that can evolve with 5 different stages. To evolve, your body has to be suitable and it must be sated before a long rest.
Endorsements 6
Downloads 219
File size 5.0KB
Translation to Polish of Loviatar's Claws.Legendary boots for those blessed by Loviatar and welcome pain. The boots are tintable and come with a camp version (with no effects). It has very powerful effects, but there are drawbacks. If you have the g3se (script extender), there are also scripted body modification effect.
Endorsements 9
Downloads 187
File size 9.0KB