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BBW- it's Better Breath Weapons

The breath weapons in your life not beefy enough for ya? This mod has ZERO scripts all that is effected is Dragon Breath weapon and steam centurion ( fire and Ice) This mod makes Breath Weapon attacks from Dragon and Centurions dmg last for 10 seconds.. ( you Burn!)

Endorsements 8

Downloads 116

File size 1.0KB

MAG - Mammoths and Giants

A softly tweaked NON -SCRIPT mod, that makes Giants and Mammoths much more durable and harder to kill.

Endorsements 24

Downloads 362

File size 2.0KB

Dragons Injector v1.5

Tired of dragons literally being easier than a troop of bandits possibly one of the more anti-climatic fights in the game , and you want a more vanilla-ish dragon.

Endorsements 25

Downloads 527

File size 1.0KB

Werewolf Injector 1.3

I was always let down by the lack of play-ability with werewolves in games using combat/Ai enhancement. I wanted a more balanced but more robust werewolf.

Endorsements 27

Downloads 615

File size 6.0KB