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Make CONSOLE commands visible

If you use the console, you have probably found that that what you\'re typing doesn\'t show up. This will fix that problem.

Endorsements 25k

Downloads 632.7k

File size 2.0KB

Alternate cat colors

This is a set of texture files which will change the ingame cat to a siamese, black, or rainbow cat.

Endorsements 147

Downloads 2.2k

File size 8.3MB

ELF the pet cat v2 Dr Suess

ELF is a pet cat that will follow your player around. ELF can have four differnt color skins and can take four different animal forms. He can change these in game if you talk to him and ask him to. This mod will work with Awakening.

Endorsements 457

Downloads 8.8k

File size 4.0MB

ELF the follower cat

This is (an alpha version of) a mod which will give you a pet cat.

Endorsements 82

Downloads 1.6k

File size 528.0KB

Bag of Kittens awakening

A \"bag of kittens\" is added to the players inventory. 7 different types of kittens can be pulled from the bag and given as gifts to increase party member approval. Different party members and different kitten types give different amounts of approval.

Endorsements 553

Downloads 14k

File size 80.0KB

Golden Egg DAO and Awakening

A magical goose is added to the player\'s inventory. Petting the goose (right-click and \"use\") will cause the goose to lay a golden egg which can be sold for 100G or given as a gift.

Endorsements 3.5k

Downloads 103.5k

File size 89.0KB