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Mortal Kombat Fatality Voice
poopgoblin's avatar


Mortal Kombat Fatality Voice

by poopgoblin

Category: Audio, Sound and Music

I was playing Oblivion the other day with a mod that removes leveling, making my game entirely random. This was causing my level 2 character to meet a brutal end at the hands of assorted high-level daedra while trying to save Kvatch. After a while I got bored with the standard death music so I replaced it with the voice that says \"Fatality

Endorsements 26

Downloads 981

File size 15.0KB

A deer for training
poopgoblin's avatar


A deer for training

by poopgoblin

Category: Miscellaneous

I\'ve added a deer to the Imperial City Waterfront for training purposes. It\'s contained inside a pen and has very high health(for a deer) and is EXTREMELY slow. It is marked as essential, so you can only knock it out long enough to get some of your arrows back. Or you can jump into the pen to use your sword/axe/fists/etc. There\'s a sto

Endorsements 28

Downloads 1.1k

File size 2.0KB

Weightless Arrows
poopgoblin's avatar


Weightless Arrows

by poopgoblin

Category: Cheats and God Items

Now your archer can carry as many arrows as they want to without having to worry about encumberence. I did this so you could carry thousands of arrows, if need be, and carry maximum loot.

Endorsements 272

Downloads 7.8k

File size 13.0KB

Darker Caves
poopgoblin's avatar


Darker Caves

by poopgoblin

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

Just a quick mod I made when I was home sick. If you\'ve ever taken a tour of a real-life cave, the guide will often turn out the lights, when they do this, you can close your eyes and not notice a difference. I thought there was too much lighting in the caves in Oblivion, so I removed all ambience, however, I left things like candles, li

Endorsements 53

Downloads 1.7k

File size 51.0KB

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