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Modding tool that lets you look at any static or skeletal mesh and apply any material or material instance constant on it. You can also edit material instance parameters live.
Endorsements 8
Downloads 96
File size 5.9MB
Endorsements 11
Downloads 133
File size 5.5MB
UPDATE 2.0 NOW OUT - JUNE 2023Your friends will be your power. RE:HAUL AI Donald, Goofy, and others have changes made to AI, stats, levelups, and other party tweaks that make playing kingdom hearts feel like playing with friends.
Endorsements 517
Downloads 20.4k
File size 3.7MB
Take a trip to Disney land and see the Disney magic.
Endorsements 77
Downloads 1.1k
File size 145.0KB
Dolan only uses his real magic in a cutscene. Why not beef up his magic in game?
Endorsements 95
Downloads 1.5k
File size 4.0KB