
Verified mod author

9,874 Unique downloads

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Pay The Builder

Get paid when your builder completes tasks for NPC's

Endorsements 70

Downloads 1.8k

File size 3.0KB

Training Exercise

Adds a new order that lets your ships gain experience over time.

Endorsements 63

Downloads 1.6k

File size 5.0KB

Go Home Drone

Assist drones with docking.

Endorsements 129

Downloads 3k

File size 283.0KB

Reaction Force

Adds a reaction force order that has your ships respond to your assets in nearby sectors.

Endorsements 115

Downloads 2.6k

File size 36.0KB

Disable Story and Unlock Research

Disabled the PHQ/storyline and unlocks all research

Endorsements 110

Downloads 3.4k

File size 2.0KB


Add taxes and maintenance fees to your stations.

Endorsements 38

Downloads 872

File size 6.0KB