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Sound Hammering Sounds
sialivi's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Sound Hammering Sounds

by sialivi

Category: Audio

NPCs performing house repairs or maintenance on the mast of a ship will no longer make the sound of hammering on metal. Instead it will make an appropriate wooden sound.

Endorsements 10.2k

Downloads 1.3m

File size 6.0KB

Sound Hammering Sounds
sialivi's avatar


Sound Hammering Sounds

by sialivi

Category: Audio - SFX, Music, and Voice

NPCs performing house repairs or maintenance on the mast of a ship will no longer make the sound of hammering on metal. Instead it will make an appropriate wooden sound.

Endorsements 1.7k

Downloads 114k

File size 6.0KB

Blowing in the Wind
sialivi's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Blowing in the Wind

by sialivi

Category: Immersion

Skyrim is a windy region, yet hanging lanterns and signs outside stores and inns are unaffected by the strong winds. This subtle immersion mod enables signs and lanterns to react to wind like they logically should.

Endorsements 19.5k

Downloads 774.6k

File size 64.5MB

Realistic HD Food and Beverages - Havok Physics Fix
sialivi's avatar


Realistic HD Food and Beverages - Havok Physics Fix

by sialivi

Category: Bug Fixes

Corrects the mass and havok materials of the bottles in HalkHogan's Realistic HD Food & Realistic HD Beverages mods.

Endorsements 1.2k

Downloads 30.4k

File size 1.1MB

Blowing in the Wind
sialivi's avatar


Blowing in the Wind

by sialivi

Category: Immersion

Skyrim is a windy region, yet hanging lanterns and signs outside stores and inns are unaffected by the strong winds. This subtle immersion mod enables signs and lanterns to react to wind like they logically should.

Endorsements 8.6k

Downloads 233.8k

File size 64.5MB

Papyrus Log Viewer
sialivi's avatar


Papyrus Log Viewer

by sialivi

Category: Utilities

Papyrus logs can become very large and be cluttered with countless duplicates of each warning or error. This simple log viewer will only show each entry once, making it easier to get an overview and less likely to miss less common entries among all the duplicates.

Endorsements 2.4k

Downloads 40.6k

File size 833.0KB

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