

Verified mod author

2,868 Unique downloads

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Regeneration chip 1.01

A chip that integrates with the player and restores health in exchange for satiety level. Two more upgrades available

Endorsements 15

Downloads 859

File size 27.0KB

Bleeding Mod 1.1

The mod adds bleeding that occurs as a result of taking damage, which smoothly reduces the player's health. Added voice message about bleeding that was cut from the game

Endorsements 5

Downloads 360

File size 81.0KB

Blood Kelp Degasi Base

The mod adds the small Degasi base to the Blood Kelp zone with a databox and fragments

Endorsements 5

Downloads 570

File size 11.0KB

Precursor Ion Storage

The mod adds a precursor's base with ion batteries and energy cells, as well as fragments from the aurora nearby dead zone

Endorsements 14

Downloads 1.1k

File size 54.0KB

BulbZone redone

Changes a small area of BulbZone and adds a new mini-biome nearby

Endorsements 8

Downloads 426

File size 1.6MB