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Makes those pesky perk popups that take up half your screen and noises that make your ears hurt vanish away! All in 1 little install file!
Endorsements 856
Downloads 114.6k
File size 4.0KB
Replaces the pip-boy world map with various upscaled Textures with the best compression possible. this leads to the tagged (to the texture) world map markers being farther apart so you can actually see what you are clicking easily.
Endorsements 357
Downloads 5k
File size 524.0KB
Vanilla textures are far too large for the majority of computers to handle, such as 2K-Res textures for 40-60% of all diffuse maps in the game, even on grass! This is ridiculous. This mod fixes that problem by selectively reducing texture size, using proper compression and retaining the vanilla art style!
Endorsements 72.5k
Downloads 2.7m
File size 1.9GB