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You can automatically change the viewpoint to first-person / third-person in actions such as "to pull a bowstring", "to hold a crossbow", "to take up arms" and "to cast spell", "sneaking".
Endorsements 245
Downloads 4.4k
File size 190.0KB
This mod will prevent you from stealing items. When you try to steal, nothing happens.To steal an item, you have to go in sneak mode, and then you can steal all you like.
Endorsements 3.1k
Downloads 215.7k
File size 68.0KB
This mod will allow the player to harvest, loot or search for items, ingredients, gold and is fully configurable. can be set to automatically harvest within a defined distance.
Endorsements 2.4k
Downloads 59.7k
File size 298.0KB
Just downloaded an Armor Mod.? This tool extension allow you to see the items in a particular mod's .esp/esl Which then is displayed on an item screen, you can click items to add them to your inventory.
Endorsements 46.2k
Downloads 3m
File size 121.0KB