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zijistark's avatar

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord


by zijistark

Category: Miscellaneous

Tired of lengthy campaign setup? QuickStart can start a new game in 1 click, or you may configure which menus to show. Perfect tool for any type of power user, tester, or modder that just needs to start a new campaign-- not click their way through yet another backstory and tutorial.

Endorsements 177

Downloads 7.1k

File size 121.0KB

Houses of Calradia
zijistark's avatar

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Houses of Calradia

by zijistark

Category: Gameplay

Houses of Calradia solves AI marriage and AI clan extinction. It plausibly arranges noble marriages organically, and it does so with the overall goal of improving clans' fitness to survive while introducing minimal character bloat. If necessary (very rarely), HoC also directly prevents clan extinction.

Endorsements 1.6k

Downloads 79.2k

File size 323.0KB

Noble Titles
zijistark's avatar

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Noble Titles

by zijistark

Category: Miscellaneous

Tired of all nobles being referenced only on a first-name basis? Raganvad should be Grand Prince Raganvad, and every lord and their consort deserves a title that corresponds to their rank within their kingdom. Noble Titles adds 4 ranks of titles to every culture and assigns them to every sovereign and vassal. What will your title be?

Endorsements 1.5k

Downloads 77.6k

File size 279.0KB

zijistark's avatar

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord


by zijistark

Category: Gameplay

Pacemaker can speed (or slow) the progression of campaign time through multiple powerful methods which may be freely mixed to your tastes. It was designed to help promote dynastic simulation mechanics (aging, dying, succession, etc.). It also auto-calibrates a number of mechanics to your settings to maintain vanilla gameplay pacing.

Endorsements 541

Downloads 20k

File size 386.0KB

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