The Witcher 3 collections
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3 Results
Endorsements 15
Downloads 2.8k
File size 2.3KB
No. of mods 10
Success rating 68%
A medium-sized collection to make the game more like the Netflix show and at the same time more chill/casual by adding convenience features such as unlimited carry weight, non-destructible gear, galloping in cities and more! Also features HalkHogan's fant
Endorsements 3
Downloads 1.3k
File size 560.1MB
No. of mods 30
Success rating 50%
This serves to add more immersive sim elements and lore-accurate improvements to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Inspired by Dammoraes' 'Next-Gen Veteran Players' collection.
Endorsements 0
Downloads 209
File size 822.9MB
No. of mods 70
Success rating 33%