X4: Foundations collections
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4 Results
VRO based collection with QoL mods. Requires direct Steam Workshop downloads. Requires all DLC and latest patch. Uses lots of QoL mods from kuertee and removes the asteroid from PHQ for nicer builds.
Endorsements 73
Downloads 4.7k
File size 2.1GB
No. of mods 88
Success rating 79%
7.0 Version Now Available. https://next.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/collections/nqkxwy
Endorsements 11
Downloads 610
File size 3.2GB
No. of mods 65
Success rating --
Loaded with Quality of Life improvements and must have mods such as STARS which will make space look amazing at no performance cost. Save game compatible (see instructions). For most vanilla experience simply remove VRO, XR Ship Pack and The Ancients.
Endorsements 5
Downloads 416
File size 3.4GB
No. of mods 61
Success rating 86%
Complementary mod collection to the main Ultimate X4 Singleplayer Experience on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3061082062
Endorsements 0
Downloads 279
File size 667.8MB
No. of mods 33
Success rating 87%