Hogwarts Legacy collections
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7 Results
A collection filled with Quality QOL mods, a reshade, and fun ones! All to get you playing smoother, quicker. This collection was made at release. It will remain as is, serving as a foundation. i believe you can just check for updates in vortex, enjoy!
Endorsements 17
Downloads 3.4k
File size 727.3MB
No. of mods 54
Success rating 61%
A Collection of my personal favourite mods, for my friends and I. Feel free to use and edit as you see fit. Enjoy!
Endorsements 2
Downloads 260
File size 578.2MB
No. of mods 76
Success rating --
Endorsements 2
Downloads 89
File size 190.7MB
No. of mods 10
Success rating 57%
As seen on my lives. The Goal is to make it more lore accurate and easier item collection.
Endorsements 1
Downloads 174
File size 12.3MB
No. of mods 12
Success rating --
Some quality of life improvements applied with a light touch to retain (and improve) immersion.
Endorsements 1
Downloads 295
File size 251.7MB
No. of mods 12
Success rating 66%
Endorsements 1
Downloads 58
File size 399.9MB
No. of mods 44
Success rating --
For bad FPS issues and some assets aparently need to have in game.
Endorsements 0
Downloads 76
File size 310.7MB
No. of mods 8
Success rating --