Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord collections

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7 Results
EVE - Enhanced Vanilla Experience
I do not plan on updating the collection.

Endorsements 30

No. of mods 66

Success rating 49%

Bannerkings at war
Literal sh*t tonnes of content with minimal crashes. See instructions.

Endorsements 11

No. of mods 60

Success rating --

Stable Confirmed Smooth UI v1.1.5
Works 100% Royal Troops and My Little Warband

Endorsements 5

No. of mods 47

Success rating --

Darudas QOL Modpack 1.7.1e
Nothing Special just some mods i like to play with to shape my own Gameplay (less grind if you choose to and more fun if you'd like) whenever and however but I like to preserve a somewhat Balanced experience

Endorsements 2

No. of mods 17

Success rating 56%

Endorsements 0

No. of mods 32

Success rating --

1.2.8 Vanilla Expanded Ru
Небольшое расширение оригинального Bannerlord, исправляющее часть неудобств и добавляющее немного QoL и более интересного и глубокого геймплея

Endorsements 0

No. of mods 25

Success rating --

True Kings Collection 1.2.8
Bundle built around Banner Kings (which is only playable in Sandbox)!

Endorsements 0

No. of mods 22

Success rating --