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Maximum Nightingale Gear
BeastGevaudan's avatar


Maximum Nightingale Gear

by BeastGevaudan

Category: Weapons and Armour

I didn\'t like the fact that you got weaker Nightingale gear depending on when you finished the quest. Especially since it is the coolest looking gear in the game. This mod simply give you Nightingale Gear with the Max Base enchantments regardless of what level you get it at.

Endorsements 65

Downloads 1.8k

File size 1.0KB

Improved Mage Dragon Priest Masks
BeastGevaudan's avatar


Improved Mage Dragon Priest Masks

by BeastGevaudan

Category: Clothing

Much like my \"Slightly Boosted Arch Mage Robes\" mod (http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5264) this mod was designed for those people who wish to wear the unique gear of a Dragon Priest Mask but still want to enchant their way to a 100% reduction in cost for certain spell schools.

Endorsements 46

Downloads 1.2k

File size 1.0KB

Enchantable Thieves Guild Armor
BeastGevaudan's avatar


Enchantable Thieves Guild Armor

by BeastGevaudan

Category: Armour

The Basic plain unimproved Thieves Guild armor is just plain leather and should be able to be enchanted but for some reason was not. Due to this is because obsolete very fast and the only useful piece is whichever one you chose to \"improve\". This mod simply makes the basic pieces enchantable.

Endorsements 30

Downloads 719

File size 1.0KB

Bland Nightingale Armor
BeastGevaudan's avatar


Bland Nightingale Armor

by BeastGevaudan

Category: Armour

I basically just stripped the enchantments off the Nightingale Armor so they could be enchanted with whatever you like. I did this because the standard enchantments are kinda weak. The Muffle Enchantment on the boots remains because it is a unique enchantment which you can\'t bestow yourself.

Endorsements 37

Downloads 1.1k

File size 1.0KB

Improved Arch Mage Robes - Plus Hoodless Fix
BeastGevaudan's avatar


Improved Arch Mage Robes - Plus Hoodless Fix

by BeastGevaudan

Category: Clothing

Just a little mod that gives a bonus to the Arch Mage Robes (both hooded and not). It raises the cost reduction from 15% to 25%. This was done just in case you still want to enchant 3 other items with 25% to a specific school to get the free casting (100% reduction) for that school, but still wear the archmage robes. It also bumps the Magicka Regen

Endorsements 267

Downloads 5.7k

File size 1.0KB

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