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Dumps the full loot search tree and RNG checks into the log for each container opened. Tested A20.3.
Endorsements 3
Downloads 67
File size 530.0KB
This is a collection of tiny modlets for A20. Since these may be balance tweaks which TFP will later correct directly in the game, recommend checking the patch notes for each alpha build to see if you still need these modlets.
Endorsements 30
Downloads 1.1k
File size 5.0KB
Replaces many of the harder zombies with lower-difficulty ones. No Demolishers, Wights, radiated zombies, etc.
Endorsements 17
Downloads 341
File size 1.0KB
Alters The Hunter Mod so that it only does additional damage to living animals. In A19 this includes players, in A20 it does not, but the mod includes instructions for adding players back.
Endorsements 8
Downloads 173
File size 2.0KB
Removes zombie icons/dots from compass display, for example during "clear" quests. Tested with A20 b238 & A19.
Endorsements 6
Downloads 111
File size 1.0KB
Allows right-click emptying of murky water jars onto any terrain block (turns them into empty jars). Compatible with A18/A19/A20.
Endorsements 23
Downloads 396
File size 2.0KB
Compatible with Alpha 20.There are TWO modlets available: Boid's Infinite Horde changes the final (hardest) horde wave for every game stage to spawn up to 99,999 zombies. Boid's Infinite Trickle adds a new final wave also of 99,999 zombies, but easier zombies and fewer of them at once. USE ONLY ONE MODLET!
Endorsements 63
Downloads 1.6k
File size 3.0KB