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Craftable Arrows of Might. Fire, Frost, Lightning, Light, Stun and Impact arrows. Normal arrows are now Craftable as well, provided you have the smithing level perks.
Found in the Riverwood Trader Shop, in a basket by the door.
You have to craft more after that.
Fire Arrows Burn like an Oil Lamp explosion.
Ice Arrows have an icey blast.
Endorsements 171
Downloads 5.6k
File size 6.0KB
Magic Arrows that emit a small light spell when fired. You can make them at any forge. Great for dark Dungeons and nights.
There is a quiver with 75 in the Riverwood Trader Shop, Just look to your right as you enter. They are on the box next to you.
Endorsements 360
Downloads 11.8k
File size 3.0KB