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Ever wanted to do a challenge run where your stats are all set to 1 (or even 0!), and couldn't increase them whatsoever, but wanted to keep level ups and also couldn't bother to modify the game to do that? Then this mod's for you!
Endorsements 4
Downloads 21
File size 7.0KB
Adds in Better Call Saul's Mike Ehrmantraut yelling "You're done. You are done!" to the quest complete sound.
Endorsements 32
Downloads 824
File size 1.1MB
Replaces the Euclid C-Finder's modem sounds with the famous "ISAAC!" quote that plays during the original Binding of Isaac's Mom Fight.
Endorsements 1
Downloads 49
File size 264.0KB
Replaces the Pipboy's hum sound effect with Postal 2's Map Muzak.
Endorsements 60
Downloads 1.5k
File size 47.8MB