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GTFs Eye Adaption BETA
GiantTurkeyFish's avatar


GTFs Eye Adaption BETA

by GiantTurkeyFish

Category: Gameplay

This mod reduces the eye adaption effect in Skyrim

Endorsements 30

Downloads 338

File size 13.0KB

Skyrim Outdoor Visual Enhancement
GiantTurkeyFish's avatar


Skyrim Outdoor Visual Enhancement

by GiantTurkeyFish

Category: Visuals and Graphics

S.O.V.E (Skyrim Outdoor Visual Enhancement) is a lighting mod that nearly modifies all the imagespaces that have to do with the weather in Skyrim. S.O.V.E modifies the contrast, saturation, tint, brightness, and more. S.O.V.E is fully compatible with the SV - The Outdoors mod to give a truly unique and beautiful way to look at Skyrim. Don\\\'t w

Endorsements 76

Downloads 2.4k

File size 13.0KB

Skyrim Visuals The Indoors
GiantTurkeyFish's avatar


Skyrim Visuals The Indoors

by GiantTurkeyFish

Category: Visuals and Graphics

This mod will change the overall color for all interiors and give areas a much darker and immersive feel. This will push some players to use spells, torches, and other light sourches in areas they find hard to see. Dark areas will allow players to feel more hidden and stealthy instead of feeling like your exposed. Area that have been modified in

Endorsements 94

Downloads 2.9k

File size 116.0KB

Skyrim Visuals The Outdoors
GiantTurkeyFish's avatar


Skyrim Visuals The Outdoors

by GiantTurkeyFish

Category: Visuals and Graphics

SV - The Outdoors is a mod that changes the lighting and color of the weather to give Skyrim a new look. If you are tired of seeing Skyrim\'s old weather and want to see Skyrim with a new look, then this is a mod worth trying out. This mod will completely change all environments that are outside. These environments include: - Falkreath Hold

Endorsements 156

Downloads 7.7k

File size 32.0KB

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