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Stardew Valley


by JoXW

Category: Cheats

Adds in-game overlays that display the predicted outcome of RNG events. Does not modify or override vanilla methods.

Endorsements 296

Downloads 25.4k

File size 90.0KB

Hugs and Kisses Continued
JoXW's avatar

Stardew Valley

Hugs and Kisses Continued

by JoXW

Category: Characters

Lets players kiss girlfriends and boyfriends and hug friends, NPC spouses kiss each other, NPC relatives hug each other, NPC spouses hug roommates, etc. Also provides kiss and hug customization.

Endorsements 682

Downloads 41k

File size 38.0KB

Mobile Phone Continued
JoXW's avatar

Stardew Valley

Mobile Phone Continued

by JoXW

Category: Gameplay Mechanics

Gives you a customizable mobile phone that lets you call and receive calls from friends to chat or replay old events! It also runs mobile apps provided by other mods.

Endorsements 377

Downloads 53.3k

File size 560.0KB

Gift Taste Helper Continued x2
JoXW's avatar

Stardew Valley

Gift Taste Helper Continued x2

by JoXW

Category: User Interface

Displays a helpful tooltip that shows an NPC's favourite gifts when hovering over their birthday on the calendar or the social page. - A continuation of Gift Taster Helper by tstaples, and the continuation by Isi0

Endorsements 2k

Downloads 141.3k

File size 51.0KB

24H Clock Language
JoXW's avatar

Stardew Valley

24H Clock Language

by JoXW

Category: User Interface

Adds a customizable language that uses a 24h clock format, using content patcher. This is meant for those that want to use a 24h clock format for languages that use a 12h clock format.

Endorsements 66

Downloads 2.1k

File size 1.0KB

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