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Vortex modlist exporter
LoneRaptor's avatar

Modding Tools

Vortex modlist exporter

by LoneRaptor

Category: Universal Tools

This program is designed to create a list of installed mods from a vortex backup file. It should work for all games supported by vortex but I have not personally tested every single one.

Endorsements 153

Downloads 4.6k

File size 9.2MB

Viking Battle Axe
LoneRaptor's avatar

Fallout 4

Viking Battle Axe

by LoneRaptor

Category: Weapons

This mod adds a modifiable Viking style battle axe to the game to try and offset the lack of melee weapons in the base game. The axe will be added to the levelled lists via script or you can craft it at the chemistry station.

Endorsements 915

Downloads 61.2k

File size 35.7MB

Commonwealth pizza
LoneRaptor's avatar

Fallout 4

Commonwealth pizza

by LoneRaptor

Category: Items (Food, Drinks, Chems, etc)

This mod aims to bring pizza back into the wasteland. You'll be able to discover a pre-war pizza store and uncover their secrets to making pizza. With some adjustments and the supplies and seeds found within you'll be able to make you own pizzas in no time.

Endorsements 544

Downloads 11.7k

File size 120.9MB

Lone wanderer fast travel
LoneRaptor's avatar

Fallout 4

Lone wanderer fast travel

by LoneRaptor

Category: Immersion

This mod allows you to repair an old pre-war motorcycle and use it for fast travel. It comes with built in storage, unlockable upgrades, camping equipment and 26 different color options (9 clean and 9 dirty and 8 Rusty).

Endorsements 3.3k

Downloads 90.7k

File size 37.2MB

APC transport
LoneRaptor's avatar

Fallout 4

APC transport

by LoneRaptor

Category: Immersion

This mod provides a modified APC to use for fast travel and a little home away from home with plenty of storage.

Endorsements 3.2k

Downloads 90.8k

File size 35.2MB

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