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PlasticFoamMan\'s Unoffical Rarity patch 2.1! For 2.1 details, check here:
There is far too much to explain here, so I refer the DLer to either the TES forums where you can find an ongoing discussion(s) of this mod and specifically the readme.
Generally, this mod helps to sol
Endorsements 16
Downloads 555
File size 72.0KB
Very basic mod, it adjusts jump so to be more realistic--no more jumping with moon gravity. In general, the PC will rely on a high acrobatics score to make significant use of jump.
Endorsements 251
Downloads 13.7k
File size 1.0KB
PlasticFoamMan\'s Unoffical Rarity patch 2.0! For 2.0 details, check here:
There is far too much to explain here, so I refer the DLer to either the TES forums where you can find an ongoing discussion(s) of this mod and specifically the readme.
Generally, this mod helps to solv
Endorsements 2
Downloads 660
File size 65.0KB