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Survival Regen Reduction
Seattleite's avatar

Fallout 4

Survival Regen Reduction

by Seattleite

Category: Gameplay

Reduces the passive regeneration rate of Life Giver and Solar Powered to bring them in line with survival difficulty.

Endorsements 20

Downloads 223

File size 0B

No Grabs or Kill Moves
Seattleite's avatar

Fallout 4

No Grabs or Kill Moves

by Seattleite

Category: Gameplay

Tired of being stunlocked by grabs and throws? Tired of being insta-killed by attacks you could have blocked? Tired of getting stuck in minute-long animations while everybody shoots you? This mod removes all of that, making melee actually fun and viable on higher difficulties.

Endorsements 131

Downloads 3.5k

File size 7.0KB

Faster Sprinting
Seattleite's avatar

Fallout 4

Faster Sprinting

by Seattleite

Category: Gameplay

This mod greatly increases sprinting speed, not just for the player, but for everything that can sprint.

Endorsements 157

Downloads 6k

File size 3.0KB

Seattleite Skyrim Overhaul
Seattleite's avatar


Seattleite Skyrim Overhaul

by Seattleite

Category: Gameplay

This overhaul mod fixes many of the issues that pervade Skyrim, removes a lot of the game's fridge logic and adds a number of new features. REQUIRES Dawnguard, supports Dragonborn and Hearthfire. Feedback welcome.

Endorsements 10

Downloads 100

File size 561.0KB

Seattleite Capital Overhaul
Seattleite's avatar

Fallout 3

Seattleite Capital Overhaul

by Seattleite

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

This overhaul mod fixes many of the issues that pervade Fallout 3, removes a lot of the game's fridge logic and adds a number of new features. REQUIRES a custom race fix for Broken Steel. Seriously, I mean it. Feedback welcome.

Endorsements 3

Downloads 248

File size 220.0KB

Seattleite Oblivion Overhaul
Seattleite's avatar


Seattleite Oblivion Overhaul

by Seattleite

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

This overhaul mod fixes many issues that pervade Oblivion, removes a lot of the game's fridge logic and adds a number of new features. Requires a custom race fix. Feedback welcome.

Endorsements 18

Downloads 455

File size 1.8MB