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Tired after being out adventuring all day only to stumble into the nearest Inn to get yourself a drink. You chase down one of the busy barkeeps or wenches and as you order, they return to you with a nice silver tray with goblets - but the goblets are filled with air... Empty Goblets Be Gone!
Endorsements 61
Downloads 1.4k
File size 2.1MB
This will replace either both the clutter version of the lockpicks and interface with Elsopa's Skeleton Key Models. Requires Elsopa's Skeleton Keys for the textures. Optional files for only clutter replacer or interface lockpick replacer available.
Endorsements 62
Downloads 876
File size 179.0KB
This is a new version of the Megapints using base object swapper to incorporate 5 wood burned textures onto the pints with keeping the metal detailing around the edging, base and handle. Thank you to SavrenX for the suggestion on my original mod. Now Includes a Vanilla Tankard Option
Endorsements 179
Downloads 48.3k
File size 53.9MB
With base object swapper - randomly distributes 10 colours, 3 bases (empy, ale filled and wine filled) to the basictankard01.nif. For dawnguard edition randomly distributes 3 colours, 2 tankard types (empty and blood wine filled) and 3 bases (splatter, help and handprint) to the dlc01tankardblood.nif replacing them with the megapints and colours.
Endorsements 124
Downloads 2.3k
File size 200.1MB
This is a new tankard mesh and texture replacer for the basictankard01.nif, animobjectdrinkingtankard.nif and the Dawnguard DLC Bloody Tankards - dlc01tankardblood.nif. It will replace these tankards in the game with my new model which is a megapint size. If using Animated Eating Redux it will not replace those tankards.
Endorsements 18
Downloads 213
File size 222.8MB