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Emma's Pluginless Head Replacer for Orc Ladies
Zinoviev1982's avatar


Emma's Pluginless Head Replacer for Orc Ladies

by Zinoviev1982

Category: Gameplay

This mod replaces the three default female orc faces with better-looking ones made by Emma which still look like orcs but aren't ugly.

Endorsements 71

Downloads 1.1k

File size 230.0KB

Zin's Texture Fix for Jenovar Race and Balmora Underground
Zinoviev1982's avatar


Zin's Texture Fix for Jenovar Race and Balmora Underground

by Zinoviev1982

Category: Gameplay

If you have the up-to-date versions of my mods, you don't need this.This is a texture fix for two mods which can have missing textures if your morrowind is installed in a folder other than the default location (C/Program Files/Bethesda Softworks/Morrowind)

Endorsements 6

Downloads 137

File size 4.2MB

Cragor's Blue Ebony Clean and fixed
Zinoviev1982's avatar


Cragor's Blue Ebony Clean and fixed

by Zinoviev1982

Category: Weapons and Armour

This is just a quick Rework of Craigor's Blue Ebony mod with the GSMTs cleaned out and the missing ebony short sword removed. As with the original, this doesn't actually place the items in the game but the weapons are added to level lists and you can add the weapons and armor yourself using the console command. You can also add them to a mo

Endorsements 18

Downloads 196

File size 1.1MB

Louis' FF7AC Jenova's child expanded w Beauty Shop
Zinoviev1982's avatar


Louis' FF7AC Jenova's child expanded w Beauty Shop

by Zinoviev1982

Category: Races, Classes, and Birthsigns

This mod is an expansion of Louis original FF7AC Jenova's child race mod which adds a fully-tested option to play as a female character as well as new characters, dialogue, items, locations, etc. intended to make the Jenovar into a fully viable and reasonably balanced race.

Endorsements 44

Downloads 861

File size 130.2MB

Zino Daedric and Ebony Longspears
Zinoviev1982's avatar


Zino Daedric and Ebony Longspears

by Zinoviev1982

Category: Weapons and Armour

This mod adds the Daedric Longspear and the Ebony Longspear into the leveled lists. They aren't actually added to any locations but since they are in the leveled lists, you might get them randomly from fighting high-leveled enemies. You can also drop them in-game by using the console commands or modify the esp. to add them wherever you want.

Endorsements 19

Downloads 338

File size 2.0KB

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