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Starfield Graphics Optimization - Custom Presets for FPS Performance

I changed the ultra preset and made the game run way better while still having great graphics. This should help anyone who has a low/high graphics card run at pretty good settings. You should be able to get 20-30FPS from this, cities get the most impact, and they don't kill your FPS anymore. Have fun and thanks for reading

Endorsements 2k

Downloads 106.8k

File size 1.0KB

Ultimate Shout for Skyrim SE

Have you ever wanted to shout at someone like a crazy man? Now you can, with this new shout you can have the true power of a dragon right at your mouth. This mod adds a new FusRoDA shout that has greater power and no cooldown. So you can have all the fun you want!

Endorsements 57

Downloads 1.1k

File size 38.0KB