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Restores the strip to the E3 2010 Demo + General environmental improvements to the strip Area, such as buildings entrances and general lighting. Now the strip looks more consistent and has a major mature look.
Endorsements 158
Downloads 5.7k
File size 119.2MB
This mods brings the concept art house control room in the game.
Endorsements 64
Downloads 1.7k
File size 13.0KB
This mod restored the original "THE TOPS" EXTERIOR
Endorsements 269
Downloads 5.5k
File size 84.0KB
The mod restores a few things in "the tops casino" to make it more consistent and good looking, like was intended to be.
Endorsements 42
Downloads 1.1k
File size 23.0KB
Restore the first version or MrHouse face cut from the game.
Endorsements 28
Downloads 659
File size 173.0KB