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Creature Burning
axussriddare's avatar


Creature Burning

by axussriddare

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

Creature Burning is a mod that adds fire arrows that can set fire to creatures untill they die or jump into the water. But it is also a platform for other mods to add a \"flammable\" ability to their creatures, effectively making them take fire from any fire damage with a duration. Fur and leather armor is also flammable.

Endorsements 6

Downloads 244

File size 136.0KB

Miscellaneous Stats
axussriddare's avatar


Miscellaneous Stats

by axussriddare

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

Adds some new stats to Oblivion. Current stats: Riding, Enchanting and Trap Lore.

Endorsements 8

Downloads 157

File size 19.0KB

Racial Power Realism
axussriddare's avatar


Racial Power Realism

by axussriddare

Category: Races, Classes and Birthsigns

Modifies the racial greater and lesser powers to be more realistic and interesting. It is split up into different plugins to allow oneself to chose what you want.

Endorsements 1

Downloads 175

File size 3.0KB

Marksman and Blade Realism
axussriddare's avatar


Marksman and Blade Realism

by axussriddare

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

Makes Blade an Agility-based skill and Marksman Strength-based.

Endorsements 15

Downloads 551

File size 1.0KB

Diseased Corpses
axussriddare's avatar


Diseased Corpses

by axussriddare

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

What is this file? Well it is a mod that makes corpses (that are already dead in the beginning) diseased. Rather, it gives you a chance to get diseased whenever you touch (loot) them.

Endorsements 21

Downloads 725

File size 171.0KB

Why enemies say theyve fought mudcrabs more fearsome than yo
axussriddare's avatar


Why enemies say theyve fought mudcrabs more fearsome than yo

by axussriddare

Category: Miscellaneous

I was bored. So i decided to make something about this little line that the NPC\'s you fight spit out now and then: \"I\'ve fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!\" Here it is. The result of three days with nothing to do and then a few minutes work. It simply adds three kinds of powerful mudcrabs.

Endorsements 10

Downloads 301

File size 131.0KB

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