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Vaults of Cyrodiil
bkrisher's avatar


Vaults of Cyrodiil

by bkrisher

Category: Locations - Vanilla

This plugin adds vaults to the castles of each major city: Anvil, Bravil, Bruma, Cheydinhal, Chorrol, Leyawiin, and Skingrad. Also included are vaults in Kvatch and the Imperial City Marketplace District. The vaults range in size and content, although they all have a good amount of gold and treasure. These vaults are EXTREMELY difficult to get i

Endorsements 1.7k

Downloads 187k

File size 129.0KB

Goblinwatch Keep
bkrisher's avatar


Goblinwatch Keep

by bkrisher

Category: Quests And Adventures

This plugin adds a new theme house deep in the Jerall mountains. It is a large warrior\'s keep, complete with four towers housing a kitchen, a library, storage, and guards quarters, a great hall, a basement for training, a vault, a large living quarters, some smaller servant\'s quarters, a dungeon, a REAL dungeon, and many, many, many secrets.

Endorsements 104

Downloads 3.7k

File size 468.0KB

Guiles Light Arena
bkrisher's avatar


Guiles Light Arena

by bkrisher

Category: Miscellaneous

This plugin aims to increase the FPS for slower computers while in the Arena. It does this by (1) removing all the spectators from the stands. (The cheers remain, however) and (2) removing all the flames from the braziers, as well as the flickery lighting. Using this, I was able to get my FPS from 28 to 42. Note that the Arena doesn\'t look *nera

Endorsements 4

Downloads 399

File size 2.0KB

Hedgewizards Hovel
bkrisher's avatar


Hedgewizards Hovel

by bkrisher

Category: Player homes

This plugin adds a new theme house on the shores of Topal Bay, just south of Leyawiin, and on the very edge of the map.. It will show up as a tent marker on the ingame map, and can be fast traveled to. The house itself is a wizard\'s hovel, with a small attached garden. Inside you will find a bed, a restocking food cupboard, a restocking ing

Endorsements 69

Downloads 2.6k

File size 77.0KB

Name Replacer - Clothing
bkrisher's avatar


Name Replacer - Clothing

by bkrisher

Category: Miscellaneous

This plugin changes the names of all the clothing in the game. I was tired of finding \"Base Ring of This\" and \"Ring of That\"; what boring names! So, I tried to come up with some better ones. These names still fit the clothing\'s actual purpose, but are a bit more subtle than the old names were. Of course, since I came up with all the

Endorsements 21

Downloads 956

File size 9.0KB

Huntsmans Lodge
bkrisher's avatar


Huntsmans Lodge

by bkrisher

Category: Player homes

Updated to Version 2: -Fixed respawning containers; some still do respawn; please check included readme. -Locked the front door; the key can be found somewhere in Breakneck Cave. It\'s not necessary nor reccommended to reinstall this version in a game that already has the lodge in it, as the door will be locked, the included gear will be dup

Endorsements 200

Downloads 9.6k

File size 132.0KB

Guiles Scroll Renamer
bkrisher's avatar


Guiles Scroll Renamer

by bkrisher

Category: Miscellaneous

This plugin changes the names of all the scrolls in the game. I was getting tired of picking up a scroll named \"Drain Skill: Acrobatics\" or \"Superior Absorb Health.\" What happened to all the fun scroll names from Morrowind, I wondered? Well, rather than just wonder, each scroll now has a unique name. Obviously, the name reflects what t

Endorsements 29

Downloads 1.3k

File size 9.0KB

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