

Verified mod author

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Alcoholic Luck

Atomic Cocktail, Absinthe, Whiskey, Scotch, and Vodka, in addition to their original effects, now add 1 luck for 4 minutes, to give incentive to gamble and drink more, and be poor at the end.

Endorsements 27

Downloads 552

File size 1.0KB

Gobi Rifle un-nerfed

Un-nerfs the Gobi Rifle so it isn't so crappy anymore

Endorsements 118

Downloads 87.1k

File size 1.0KB

Realistic-ish Sodas

Makes it so Nuka Cola and Sunset Sarsaparilla reduce thirst immediately, then slowly increase it over time, like real soda should.

Endorsements 4

Downloads 194

File size 1.0KB

Craftable pork n' beans

The title says it all. <br />

Endorsements 9

Downloads 250

File size 0B