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This mod changes some 666 generic leveled-list base NPCs from male to female.
Endorsements 79
Downloads 2.5k
File size 11.7MB
Makes the Imperial Jail Bar Walls denser, so they don't look like you could easily crawl through them, An LE conversion of my Immersive Jail Bars mod for SE and VR.
Endorsements 31
Downloads 269
File size 1.4MB
A trivial mod that adds the "Access Character Creation" lesser power for easy access to RaceMenu in VR
Endorsements 130
Downloads 5.9k
File size 2.0KB
Fixes the getting stuck at the "Press any key" prompt in VR for the awesome and underappreciated Apprentice mod by MrowrPurr.
Endorsements 7
Downloads 305
File size 1.0KB
This mod replaces all the imperial jail bars with a more dense version thereof, as the original ones are so far apart that it would be fairly easy to squeeze between them for most characters.
Endorsements 114
Downloads 1.9k
File size 1.3MB