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Melee Weapons-Material Atributes
mayanking's avatar


Melee Weapons-Material Atributes

by mayanking

Category: Gameplay

I was tired that the type of the material and the design of weapons don´t have any consequence apart from a linear increased damage in the gameplay. So I created atributes for each material used to forge them, to have some variability in my gameplay. Also the principal materials daedric ebony and dragonbone are more damaging, also glass.

Endorsements 36

Downloads 1.1k

File size 9.0KB

Miraak the True First Dragonborn
mayanking's avatar


Miraak the True First Dragonborn

by mayanking

Category: Gameplay

This mod change Miraak from mediocre to deadly, modifies the weapons and equipment of Miraak to have better bonuses and values, fixes the prices of the equipment (no more 100 septims for a demigod armor) Miraak is now level 100 (no levelling with the player),WARNING: low level players (below 25) will be killed in seconds, mirak now uses more spells

Endorsements 346

Downloads 5.6k

File size 6.0KB

Ulfgar The Berserk
mayanking's avatar


Ulfgar The Berserk

by mayanking

Category: Followers and Companions

Ulfgar "the Ulfsark"(wolf skin) is a Nord Companion that follows the path of the Ancients nord berserkers, he was nicknamed the ulfsark because when he was a child he killed two wolves with his fists. In the lore of the elder scrolls it has been explained that in the northern lands of skyrim lived some of the most rugged, savage and powerfu

Endorsements 43

Downloads 727

File size 57.0KB

Better Armor Differences and Perks
mayanking's avatar


Better Armor Differences and Perks

by mayanking

Category: Skills and Leveling

Modifications about the heavy armor and the light armor perks, now they have better differences between each other . this mod fix certain skills that were forgotten in vainilla( block skill , armor materials bonus, etc) Armor cap can be raised to 93% (optional).This mod is not for players that like OP characters, at least the normal version.

Endorsements 26

Downloads 935

File size 4.0KB

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