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Mogman's Sanctuary Red Rocket
mogman64's avatar

Fallout 4

Mogman's Sanctuary Red Rocket

by mogman64

Category: Transfer Settlement Blueprints

Remaining Lore Friendly, I built Red Rocket with materials that I felt could either be gathered around the building or from Concord nearby. That means a lot of wood fortification, corrugated metal and brick. What remains is a rustic feel - where there is a windmill and a chicken coop, but also a greenhouse and booths for trade along the road.

Endorsements 47

Downloads 957

File size 94.0KB

Mogman64's  Conquest Vault 111 Hilltop Fort
mogman64's avatar

Fallout 4

Mogman64's Conquest Vault 111 Hilltop Fort

by mogman64

Category: Transfer Settlement Blueprints

When you first emerge from the vault - into the big bad world - why would you leave the vault as a shelter? Yes, you can argue that there is no food there, but there is weatherproof shelter and clean water - and you can get food when you need it, right? At least, that was my thought. But you wouldn't want to leave the vault unprotected.

Endorsements 42

Downloads 1.3k

File size 95.0KB

Mogman's Minuteman Sanctuary Recruitment Station
mogman64's avatar

Fallout 4

Mogman's Minuteman Sanctuary Recruitment Station

by mogman64

Category: Transfer Settlement Blueprints

About Sanctuary: I like to think of this Sanctuary as rather lore-friendly. If you were rebuilding, it wouldn't be with a bunch of concrete - you'd build with local and readily available materials. And you wouldn't keep the crap houses. The location is good, you'd be thinking, but build out of wood, earth shelter, sandbags. Think like a soldier.

Endorsements 42

Downloads 1k

File size 132.0KB

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