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Blade of the Immortal coat (movie version)
u53p's avatar

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Blade of the Immortal coat (movie version)

by u53p

Category: Customisation

Blade of the immortal coat. Turns Sekiro's coat into the coat of Manji, the protagonist of the movie Blade of the Immortal (2017), directed by Takashi Miike. Unlike the manga version of this coat, which has a different Kanji on it, this coat adopts the version of the Kanji and black-white color patter used in the movie.

Endorsements 55

Downloads 991

File size 17.0MB

Purification Set
u53p's avatar

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Purification Set

by u53p

Category: Customisation

Purification set. Turns Sekiro's coat to white with a red purification kanji (斎) on his back. It also turns his clothes to grey, his scarf and belts to a bright red, as well as making the kusabimaru's sheath and underlying handle red. It turns the mortal blade's edge white, it's sheath and handle black, and it makes the grappling hook black.

Endorsements 56

Downloads 2.2k

File size 1.7MB

Bloodstained Wolf
u53p's avatar

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Bloodstained Wolf

by u53p

Category: Customisation

Cosmetic mod that turn's Sekiro's coat to black and covered in blood stains. I just added a bloody kusabimaru and sheath too.

Endorsements 4

Downloads 156

File size 8.5MB

Poltergeist Coat
u53p's avatar

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Poltergeist Coat

by u53p

Category: Customisation

Just a little rudimentary mod to Wolf's coat I made to test colors and dip my toes into modding this game. Turns the color of Wolf's coat into a black-stained white coloration which reminded me of a poltergeist coming out of a static tv for some reason. I might update/improve this if it gets enough downloads. For now it's just for testing stuff.

Endorsements 2

Downloads 75

File size 8.0MB

4 of 4